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How to Create Lasting Transformation in Your Life
What to Expect and How to Prepare (4:29)
Module One: Think
1. Why You? Why Now? (7:39)
2. Don't Change ... Transform (6:44)
3. Information Alone Won’t Transform You (6:53)
4. All You Have to Change is Everything (4:15)
5. The Cycle of Lasting Transformation (T-B-D-G) (11:42)
6. Assignment: Creating a 3-Year Vision (1:16)
7. A Meditation on Thinking (3:03)
Module 2: Be
1. Identity is the Cornerstone of Transformation (8:20)
2. How Identity Shapes Our Beliefs (5:02)
3. Why are questions more important than affirmations? (8:13)
4. Why is our identity tied up in our story? (9:23)
5. Why is interdependence critical to our identity? (6:43)
6. Assignment: Create a Story Map (0:39)
7. A Meditation on Identity and Being
Module 3: Do
1. What are habits? (6:54)
2. Why do you need habits for the whole person? (6:23)
3. What is a habit stack? (6:52)
4. Why is starting small the only path to consistent transformation? (7:46)
5. What is the habit journey? (6:41)
6. Assignment: Integration Worksheet (1:24)
7. A Meditation on Habits
Module 4: Grow
1. How does Think-Be-Do allow you to Grow? (5:37)
2. Why do we plateau? (7:08)
3. How to grow your thinking (6:06)
4. How to Grow Your Identity (6:26)
5. How to Grow Your Habit Stack (7:19)
6. A Vision for You (2:04)
7. A Meditation for Your Journey
What to Expect and How to Prepare
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